Friday 29 August 2014

A descriptive paragraph (people)

When you describe someone, you give a picture in words to your readers. To make the word picture as vivid and as real as possible, you must write specific details that appeal to your readers' senses (sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch). A descriptive paragraph needs sharp and colourful details.

Here is a paragraph written by a student describing her mother.

The young woman in the picture has a face that resembles my own in many ways. Her face is a bit  more oval  than mine but the softly waving brown hair around it is identical. The small straight nose is the same model I was born with. My mother's mouth is closed, yet there is just the slightest hint of a smile on her full lips. I know that if she had smiled, she would have shown the same wide grin and down curving "small lines" that appear in my own snapshots. The most haunting features in the photo, however, are my mother's eyes. They are exact duplicates of my own large, dark brown ones. Her brows are plucked into thin lines which are like two pencil strokes added to highlight those fine, luminous eyes.

(Extracted from

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